Population-Environment Balance, Inc.

Mass Immigration causes Massive Housing Shortage
Yet Mass Alien Amnesty Threatens!

8/23/2024 - CIS.org demonstrates Mass Immigration is the Major Cause of our Massive Housing Shortage

August 6, 2024 6:00 am - "The housing shortage looms large as our nation faces a critical presidential election. Just last week, the National Association of Realtors released new data revealing home prices in the United States reached a record high in June 2024. It’s no wonder, then, that housing costs are a top priority for young voters.  

Unfortunately, some in Washington, D.C., continue to turn a blind eye to a key factor exacerbating this crisis: Mass illegal immigration

Houses have been in short supply since the Great Recession, when housing production steadily declined, especially the construction of “affordable” apartments, which declined by 4.7 million units from 2015-2020. However, housing demand has only increased, driving up the cost of living.  As of 2024, the U.S. was short somewhere between 4 to 7 million housing units. The shortage of affordable and multifamily housing is especially severe, as multifamily construction has declined since 2021, dropping 14%. Considering that incomes have not kept pace with rising prices 

Adding to this dire situation is the massive influx of illegal immigrants to the U.S. since 2021. According to a Center for Immigration Studies report, the foreign-born population has increased by 6.6 million since 2021, with 58% of this increase coming from illegal immigration. This massive population influx has increased the demand for housing, worsening the existing shortage. 

While this matter has been largely ignored by both parties, former President Donald Trump’s vice-presidential pick has led the way in addressing this underreported crisis. Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH) recently said, “It’s very hard to talk about the housing crisis in Ohio or across the country without talking about the immigration problem. When you let, let’s say, 10 million or 15 million people into the country illegally, those people all need homes.” 

While population growth does raise the housing supply over time by providing more labor, new construction cannot keep pace with the increased demand caused by mass immigration. Indeed, some estimates suggest immigration may increase overall housing demand by around 500,000 units per year. As a result, housing costs and rents have seen additional increases in areas most affected by mass immigration, such as Miami and Denver, which have struggled to deal with massive influxes of migrants since 2021.

The role that immigration plays in worsening the housing crisis is especially evident in the market for multifamily housing. Forty percent of those apprehended at the southern border arrived in family units, and these families are initially housed in migrant shelters, which are often gyms or hotels. In New York City last year, two-thirds of migrants in shelters were members of family units. 

When these migrants are eventually forced to leave these shelters, they often seek out affordable apartments, competing with low-income American citizens at the bottom of the housing market and raising rents for the poorest renters in the country. Such consequences reveal the injustice of mass immigration, which benefits migrants at the expense of struggling Americans.

It is true that other factors contribute to the existing housing shortage, including land-use regulation, zoning, and not-in-my-backyard attitudes, all of which make it difficult to build new housing, especially multifamily units. Nonetheless, it is simply impossible for housing construction to keep pace with the influx of millions of low-income family units pouring across the southern border. 

As long as the Biden Harris administration allows unchecked illegal immigration into the country, the housing shortage will worsen, and housing costs will rise." 

- CIS.org 

Adding to the housing crisis is continuing Mass LEGAL Immigration averaging One Million one hundred thousand Persons PER YEAR for the last ten years!!

- "24/7 Wall Street"

But this Housing Crisis MAY not be ameliorated any time soon.  Indeed it, along with a worsening personal safety Environment, may worsen considerably depending on Political decisions and Legislation including a Mass Alien Amnesty!!

As sent earlier 8/3/2024:

Pre-Election Push for
Mass Amnesty/Citizenship/Voters
-- Help Stop It!

Open Borders supporters of Kamala Harris are using her call for a Mass Amnesty and Citizenship for MILLIONS of Illegals as The Opportunity to create MILLIONS of VOTERS PRIOR to the November Election!!!!

Among the several US government agencies/programs being used to implement this Illegals-to-Voters Plan is the Refugee program as described by CIS.org:

Changes reported by the White House, include:

  • Historically High Refugee Admissions: Over 100,000 refugees expected by the end of FY 2024, the highest in three decades.

  • Technology Upgrades: Enhanced systems for faster processing, including digitization and expanded video-teleconference interviews.

  • Concurrent Processing: Streamlined overseas processing, reducing wait times significantly.

  • Employment and Social Integration: New automated processes to speed the processing of Employment Authorization Documents and Social Security cards.

  • Launch of a “private” sponsorship program, the Welcome Corps Initiative:

    • Creation of the Welcome Corps on Campus: Bringing refugees to U.S. educational institutions.

    • Creation of the Welcome Corps at Work: Connecting refugees with job opportunities in the U.S.

  • Expanded Resettlement Efforts: Increased focus on refugees from Latin America, the Caribbean, and other vulnerable groups, including “LGBTQI+” individuals and human rights activists.

  • Safe Mobility (SMO) Initiative: In partnership with UNHCR and IOM, opening offices in Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, and Guatemala to provide lawful pathways for refugees and migrants (through refugee resettlement, family reunification, humanitarian parole and labor programs) to discourage individuals from crossing illegally at the border.

  • Hiring of More than 300 Refugee Officers. The size of DHS’s refugee officer corps has more than tripled, and two additional USCIS international field offices have opened.

Help BALANCE enable its Activists in every State to warn Americans and push their Members of Congress to STOP this Illegals-to-Voters Plan BEFORE the November Election!

Help Stop this Pre-Election push for

Mass Alien Amnesty/Citizenship/Voter





Washington, D.C. (August 22, 2024) – "The new episode of the Center for Immigration Studies’ podcast, Parsing Immigration Policy, focuses on the Center’s updated map of sanctuary jurisdictions, based on data from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Joining host Mark Krikorian, executive director of the Center, is Jessica Vaughan, the Center’s director of policy studies, who explains her update of the map.

The update adds about 170 new sanctuary locations, mostly counties (including regional jails) as well as some cities. Some of these newly listed sanctuaries are in states that prohibit such policies, such as South Carolina, Indiana, Georgia, Idaho, Kansas, and North Carolina.

Virginia, North Dakota, Nebraska, New York, and Minnesota have seen the most significant increases in sanctuary policies.

The Center's updated map is based on ICE's internal tracking, adding information from the document entitled "Detainer Acceptance Tracker – Limited and Non-Cooperative Institutions," obtained via a Freedom of Information Act request. The Center’s map is a collaboration between Vaughan and multimedia director Bryan Griffith, and has been used to track sanctuaries since 2015, using ICE information and open sources.

Since then, well over 10,000 deportable criminal aliens who were arrested by local authorities for state and local crimes have been released back to the streets due to sanctuary policies, despite ICE seeking custody with a detainer, and a significant share have committed subsequent crimes. For example, in a documented eight-month period during 2014-2015, about 1,800 of 8,000 criminal aliens released by sanctuary jurisdictions were rearrested for committing 7,500 new crimes.

It is alarming to see the continued proliferation of sanctuary policies, especially in places like Virginia,” Vaughan notes, “where ICE has had to use its scarce resources to re-arrest violent gang members and rapists in our communities who were set free by local jails, when they should have been transferred directly to ICE custody for a plane ride home.”

Vaughan continued: “Federal and state lawmakers should adopt measures to better ensure that local law enforcement agencies cooperate with ICE, and to penalize those agencies that choose not to cooperate.

In his closing commentary, Krikorian further discusses the Democratic Party’s 2024 immigration platform introduced at the party’s convention. The platform embraces the U.S. Citizenship Act, a radical piece of legislation introduced in January 2021, that would have granted amnesty to ALL illegal immigrants in the U.S. as of January 2021 (appx 35 Million plus) and even allowed the return of many previously deported illegal immigrants. This position contrasts sharply with the Republican position on immigration enforcement, setting the stage for an unambiguous policy debate.


The Citizenship Act is NOW being pushed to Amnesty Illegals and enable them to become Voters this coming November!


Contact your Representatives to help us oppose this Act!!!!!


BALANCE and its ASAP! Coalition allies stopped the December 2019 Alien Amnesty bill because we have Activists in every State!

But to do so AGAIN we must have your help because the Pandemic and Stagflation have greatly diminished our Donations

Donations are Tax-Deductible
Donate NOW to BALANCE so we can Act NOW

by Credit Card on our website: BALANCE.org
or by check to:

Population-Environment Balance

P.O. Box 268

San Francisco, CA 94104

Donations are Tax-Deductible!

  • BALANCE is anti-Mass Immigration, not anti-Immigrant. We have many immigrants as members!

  • BALANCE advocates approving a Legal Immigration level of 150,000/year composed of well-vetted qualified refugees and asylees and workers/professionals who bring skills which benefit the USA

  • The 150,000 level is sustainable from a variety of environmental considerations (See our earlier Alerts) 

And we Thank all of you  for your support,

Please contact your representatives NOW!

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Population-Environment Balance | P.O. Box 268 | San Francisco, CA 94104

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Population-Environment Balance | 1629 K Street NW, Suite 300 | Washington DC, 20006

Population-Environment Balance is a national, non-profit membership organization dedicated to maintaining the quality of life in the United States through population stabilization.

BALANCE is the leading National Organization publicizing information regarding the Threat of Mass Immigration-generated population growth to our Environment, Nation, Budgets, and Personal Safety and Mobilizing Activists to Reduce it

BALANCE is anti Mass Immigration, Not anti-Immigrant

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