In 1965 the U.S. government rewrote our nation's immigration
policy and as a result of the 1965 law, the U.S. now admits over
one million legal immigrants (including refugees and asylees) per
year - more immigrants than all other countries combined! At current
rates of growth, the U.S. population will exceed 500 million by
2050 with 70% of that growth directly attributed to mass immigration.
History proves that the tradition of immigration in
this country has been small numbers that allowed for decades of
assimilation. After the peak of about 8.7 million in the first decade
of the century, numbers went steadily down and immigration averaged
195,000 a year from 1921 - 1970! Only recently have we allowed sky
rocketing levels of immigration to the U.S.
Read BALANCE's latest information about Mass Immigration [more...]
- Current mass immigration legislation allows over one million legal immigrants into the United States annually.
- Poll after poll finds the vast majority of American citizens - including all ethnic groups -
support drastic cuts in immigration levels. By more than a 3 to 1 margin, Americans say the U.S.
should not allow more immigrants into the country.
- Illegal immigration to the U.S. totals 300,000 to 400,000 annually. Legal immigration
is three times that level. History proves that the most effective means of reducing
illegal immigration is to limit legal immigration to traditional levels.
- · The United States population added 130 million people between 1950 and 2000, and if
current rates of growth continue (fueled primarily by mass immigration), U.S. population
will double again by 2050 to exceed half a billion people.
- · U.S. taxpayers paid an estimated net $69 billion for immigrant social services in
1998 (after subtracting taxes immigrants paid).
- · Annually, American workers (including recently arrived immigrants) lose $133 billion
in wages due to wage depression and displacement from jobs because of continued mass immigration.
BALANCE's concern is that increasing numbers
of people have an adverse impact on the environment. The race, ethnicity
or national origin of immigrants is irrelevant to this fundamental
concern for environmental protection, which can only be achieved
through population stabilization.
ACT NOW: We must move quickly to maintain a
replacement-level fertility rate of 2.1 or below and to achieve
a traditional, replacement-level, all-inclusive immigration ceiling
(200,000 per year), both of which are logically necessary if we
are to stabilize our population.
Here is how you can help make a big difference:
1.) The ASAP!
Coalition Action has links to a pair of resolutions for organizations
and a pair for individuals. Each pair contains one resolution calling
for an immigration moratorium (for legal immigration), and another
to create a powerful incentive to reduce illegal immigration by
stopping the job magnet.
2.) Push any local, regional,
or state governing authority (county board of commissioners, city
council, etc. ...) to approve the Immigration
Moratorium Resolution for Organizations. Even though only
the U.S. Congress has the legal authority to reduce immigration,
having local authorities pass these resolutions is immensely important.
Members of the U.S. Congress and the Bush-Cheney administration
must listen hard to their constituents and local officials - thus,
these resolutions can make a BIG difference. Once the Resolution
is approved, make sure that the Resolution is sent to the officials
listed at the bottom, send a copy to BALANCE, and we will
gladly deliver it to your representative and share your progress
with other activists.
3.) Push the same governing authority
(county board of commissioners, city council, etc. ...) to approve
the Illegal Immigration Resolution
for Organizations, that would bar the counties, cities,
etc. ... from doing business with companies that hire illegal immigrants.
Once the Resolution is approved, make sure that the Resolution is
sent to the officials listed at the bottom, send a copy to BALANCE,
and we will gladly deliver it to your representative and share your
progress with other activists.
4.) We also encourage you to
get civic organizations (e.g., veterans' organizations, clubs, etc.
...) to endorse these Resolutions. Make as many copies of the
Resolutions as you wish, and, as always, please call BALANCE with
any questions you may have - we will help you any way we can!
5.) Sign your own copies of the
Immigration Moratorium Resolution
for Individuals and the Illegal
Immigration Resolution for Individuals. Make as many copies
of the Resolutions for individuals as you like, and when people
have signed them, send copies to BALANCE, which will deliver
them to your representatives.
As you know, Population-Environment Balance (BALANCE) uses many of its resources
to prepare materials and functions that work toward an immigration moratorium and
U.S. population stabilization.