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Alert Archive: April 2009


April 2009


E-Verify Being Held as Bargaining Chip to
Pass Massive Illegal Alien Amnesty
Including Sen. Durbin's
Dreaded "DREAM Act"

E-Verify Held Hostage

Mass Immigration Reductionists were outraged when the E-Verify program (currently our best tool in slowing Illegal Immigration) was not extended in the Stimulus Bill in February. Sen. Dodd (D-CT) however, promised that the program would be extended until September 30th 2009, and indeed it was extended in the $410 billion Federal Spending Bill President Obama signed on March 11th.

Why September?

It has become increasingly clear that the Open Borders Lobby and their supporters in Congress are holding the E-Verify program as a bargaining chip which will be used to pass a Mass Illegal Alien Amnesty SOON!

The Open Borders Lobby plans to withhold an extension of the E-Verify Program until enough members of Congress relent and agree to passage of a comprehensive Illegal Alien Amnesty Bill including Senator Durbin’s dreaded (and recently reintroduced) DREAM Act (S. 729 in the Senate and H.R. 1751 in the House), which would give citizenship, and In-State Tuition, and other benefits, to ALL Illegal Aliens here for at least five years and under the age of 35. But these are people who violated our laws by being here in the first place!

E-Verify must be extended, but NOT at the cost of an Amnesty Bill that would legalize millions of Illegal Immigrants and their families, and provide them benefits. In today’s deepening economic crisis, the last thing we need is to expand our pool of workers. It severely cripples our economy and exacerbates all of our environmental problems.

As if the Illegal Alien Amnesty and DREAM Act Threats were not enough, here is the present reality:

The USA currently gives work authorizations to 138,000 immigrants EVERY MONTH!! That is 1.5 MILLION new workers employed here legally, every year. They take Americans' jobs and depress wages! Americans out of work, or afraid of soon being out of work, say "We Don’t Need Them!!!"

These threats are Real and Imminent! Any day now we expect the Obama Administration and the Open Borders Lobby to move from their “Stealth Attack” Mode to a BLITZKRIEG Attack to pass the Illegal Alien Amnesty including the DREAM Act, plus Legal Immigration increases!

We must not allow the Open Borders Lobby's DREAM to become the USA's NIGHTMARE!

These threats make it more important than ever to push for a zero-net-immigration Moratorium.

Only pushing a Moratorium calls the whole enterprise of Mass Immigration into question and creates sufficient pressure to stop the Illegal Alien Amnesty, the DREAM Act, and Legal Immigration increases.

Contact your Members of Congress TODAY to tell them that you oppose all these Bills and that you want a zero-net-immigration MORATORIUM.

Given the composition of the new Congress, we have an uphill battle!

So we very much need you to help BALANCE stop these Bills. Please donate as much as you can today. Visiting our website at www.balance.org makes donating quick and easy. Donations are tax-deductible.

If these Bills pass it will be the end of the USA as we know it!

Contact members of Congress to say:

NO! to an Illegal Alien Amnesty (S. 9)!
NO! to the DREAM Act (S. 729 and H.R. 1751)!
YES! to a Moratorium on Mass Immigration.
YES! to extending the E-Verify Program.
NOW the USA needs a Moratorium more than ever!

Only BALANCE and its ASAP Coalition allies push a five year zero-net-immigration moratorium. We earnestly ask you to dig down deep and make as large a Special Donation as you can this year to support the #1 population and environment organization in the U.S -- Population-Environment BALANCE!

Make your tax-deductible contribution online, or mail a check to: