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WHEREAS Americans deserve the Social Security benefits that they've spent their working lives earning and paying for.

WHEREAS the Bush Administration plans to give away at least 345 billion dollars of Social Security money to the Mexican government, to be used to pay lifetime benefits to any Mexican citizen who has worked in the United States - legally or illegally, living in the United States or not.

WHEREAS this plan is not limited to Mexican nationals, but extends to former legal and illegal alien residents now living in over 20 different countries.

WHEREAS under the Bush Administration's new concept of "totalization", a foreign national could add the number of years he or she worked abroad - and was not paying into Social Security - to the number of years worked in the United States, and qualify for the same benefits as a U.S. citizen who has worked in this country his or her entire life.

WHEREAS Americans are outraged and worried by this giveaway. The Social Security Fund was projected to become insolvent between 2015 to 2038 even before any such Totalization Plan was planned for.

WHEREAS in addition to the proposed draining of billions in Social Security benefits from American taxpayers, record-high immigration numbers of over 1 million legal immigrants per year and hundreds of thousands of illegals already cost U.S. citizens over $93 billion per year, net, after subtracting taxes paid by immigrants.

WHEREAS the Social Security Fund was established by Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1935 to provide a safety net for "working Americans", not foreign nationals.

WHEREAS it is neither financially feasible nor morally defensible to take money from Americans' retirement funds and give it to foreign citizens.

WHEREAS this plan can go into effect unless an Act of Congress forbids it.

THEREFORE, we the undersigned, urge our Representatives in Congress to sign on as a cosponsor for H.R. 489, the "Social Security for Americans Only Act" from Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX). Please help today's working Americans continue to have a retirement safety net. Support H.R. 489.

Thank you.

#1. Fill out and submit the petition.



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#2. "Yes, I care enough about the future of Americans' Social Security dollars and way of life to make a contribution to Population-Environment Balance."

(Note: by showing Congress that you care enough to support our lobbying efforts you are making an even stronger statement against this proposed treaty.)

Use PayPal to contribute securely online, by clicking the PayPal icon.

Or, print this form using the button below, and mail it with a check made out to Population-Environment Balance, 2000 P St. NW, Suite #600, Washington, D.C. 20036-5915.

"Yes, I care enough about the future of Americans' Social Security dollars and way of life to make a contribution to Population-Environment Balance in the amount of $ "

